
The elders are prayerfully elected by the congregation for three-year terms.

They are stewards of the vision God has given our Church family, and oversee our spiritual health and well-being.

Contact them any time for confidential prayer or counselling, to seek spiritual growth,or to discuss membership.


  • Dan Hickman's philosophy of shepherding a church, is fostering respect and safety. Like his wife of 36 years, Fay, he grew up in the Churches of Christ and has always been involved with church activities from an early age. He is a registered hearing practitioner and helps several people a day improve their hearing impairment. (Dan was born the day Disneyland first opened, also the year portable transistor radios were first sold and Lego was invented).

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The deacons build ministry teams and formulate strategies and budgets to get things done.

They meet monthly, so if you have a question, concern or idea, please contact them

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Staff team

The staff team are employed under the direction of the elders to be first points of contact for ministry, 

to handle administrative tasks, and to guide us in the Word and Worship.


Office hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm | Closed for lunch 1 - 2 pm

On location: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays | Off-site: Wednesdays

If you have an emergency outside of these hours, do not hesitate to contact the minister or care team.


  • Kelly Carter

    senior minister

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  • Jocelyn Jaszczyszyn


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  • Monique was born and raised in South Africa.  On her first weekend after arriving in Canada, she visited Shelbourne Street Church of Christ and loved it so much she has been a member ever since. She has been the secretary since 2007.